Re: Hijacking tool

Quentin Fennessy (Quentin.Fennessy@SEMATECH.Org)
Tue, 24 Jan 1995 12:23:22 -0600

>  >
>  >If you're hijacking *connections* isn't it much easier to just steal
>  >the filehandles in the kernel?
> Not if you're on entirely another host.
> That's the point of RTM-Snr's attack, as expanded upon by
> Bellovin. Guessing sequence numbers and flooding the remote machine
> 	- alec

    I think you may be confusing two techniques here - both of which
have just become more 'popular.'  I believe the hijacking technique
is to use TAP, a modloadable SunOS driver to read and possibly write
to an established pty.

The TCP sequence number is what RTM and SMB wrote about.  This is
different - you don't need root anywhere to to that.
